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You can add me if you want! My username is
Widdok! Send me an email or comment on my
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Welcome to my humble little page for Old School Runescape, or
OSRS. OSRS is like a time capsule of sorts, an officially
sanctioned and continuously updated version of the code and
server that the MMORPG Runescape used circa 2007.
I played Runescape as a kid from probably 2005-2007, or
thereabouts. One day a few years ago, I wanted to play the game
again for nostalgia purposes, but was harshly met with - gasp -
updated graphics and polished, immersive gameplay. I was
heartbroken. I didn't even finish the
Thankfully, I recently realized that OSRS existed. I've been
playing for a little while now! Even though my original account
has long been forgotten, the many memories I made are kept alive in
this lovingly preserved polygonal world.
I will occassionally post updates or milestones I reach
in the game here, just for funsies! :)
10/21/24: Ended up buying a whole year of members earlier
this year and it has been really awesome just logging
in and playing whenever I want.
03/19/24: RUNESCAPE NEVER DIES!! Cashed in a bond I've had
in my bank for a year. Finished Monkey Madness I and am
rocking that d scim baybeyyyyyyyy.
05/03/23: Started playing again after a long break. Just
chillin' and skillin' as per usual.
08/21/22: Planning on doing Monkey Madness with a clanmate
today. Nervous but excited and hoping I don't die lol!!! Someone
gifted me the last 500k I needed for a bond and I have 7 or so
days left before it runs out.
08/03/22: Literally went up four combat levels today... spent
my day hunting Greater Demons and Moss Giants.
08/02/22: Got my ass handed to me yesterday when trying to
kill Obor. I have never been so scared in my life, not even
when I was fighting Elvarg. I had to quit playing after I died
it was so humbling LMAO.
07/31/22: Been playing again for the last few days doing all
sorts of things. I can finally mine mithril, though it isn't as
much of an instant money maker as I expected it to be. Picked up
two combat levels while training magic. I want to try to kill
Obor soon; I need to get to 40 prayer before I can do that, though.
I wailed on the Lesser Demon in Wizards' Tower for my magic
training and now I'm killing Giant Frogs in Lumby Swamp because
they drop big bones for prayer. Raided with Bronze Clan again last
04/30/22: Haven't played in a bit. I'm no longer a member since
I don't think I'll be playing enough to make it worth it. Just
going to chop some trees, kill some giants, burn some logs,
etc. Might work on levelling cooking or something. :)
03/13/22: Just bought a second month of membership. Starting
to knock out some quests. Working on levelling up Herblore
and Fletching as well, since they're pretty mindless bankstanding
02/15/22: Been exploring members worlds for the last few days.
Went on another Bronze Clan raid tonight. Captain Tier 2 with a
green cape!
02/11/22: I slayed Elvarg and finished Dragon Slayer I. With this,
I've completed all F2P quests, and about to experience membership for
the first time in my life.
Here are my final F2P stats before I undergo the great change.
(Combat level 50)
02/09/22: I've levelled up a whole lot. 500 total achieved! I'm
close to finishing all F2P quests. Once I do that and skill a bit
more for funsies, I'm going to buy a month of membership and
achieve a legit childhood dream of mine. I've been playing with
the Bronze Clan a bit more and reached Captain rank.
02/03/22: Pretty detrimentally obsessed w this game lol. Racking
up hours like crazy. I've started running around looting PKers in
the Wildy and it's really fun to me. I made 80k the other day from
selling arrows and swordies.
01/30/22: I... I don't even know where to start... today was
completely insane. Wait patiently for a page about the Bronze
Clan and how I accidentally got inducted...
01/27/22: Finished 'Rune Mysteries' quest. Hit 300 total skill.
Unlocked Cooks' Guild. I met a friend who bought me new armor
and we hung out for like two hours.
01/25/22: Finished 'Misthalin Mysteries' quest. With this, I've
reached 10 Quest Points, so I've achieved all the requirements for
unrestricted trade on the Grand Exchange.
Combat Lvl: 96
Total Lvl: 1630
Procrastinating finishing Beneath Cursed Sands
Bronze Clan:
Officer (gold trim); Jester cape
ATK 76 / STR 77
DEF 76 / RANGE 74
PRAY 66 / MAGE 79
HP 80 / CRAFT 73
MINE 74 / SMTH 63
FISH ?? / COOK 78
FIRE 81 / WOOD 77