This page will hold all of the
Jaden-related items that I own! Most of them will be cards, but I hope
to get a lot more merchandise eventually!
like literally, anything with his face on it LMAO) please send me an
e-mail and let's see if we can maybe make a deal!! You can reach me at
koinuko (at)! Chances are I will appreciate any offer that is
made to me ;o;
Physical Merch

Yu-Gi-Oh! King Series Deformed Acrylic Keychain
Manufactured by SK Japan
I bought this on Mercari Japan along with the Jaden and Yubel
acrylic stand below!! I actually haven't even opened it yet lol, I
wanted to start on my merch page ASAP as soon as it arrived!

Jaden & Yubel Acrylic Stand
Manufactured by Cospa
I LOVE THIS STAND SO MUCH!!!!!! It's a lot tinier than I
expected but oh my God LOOK AT THEM!!! <333 I've wanted some
physical merch of Jaden for a long time and Yubel being with him
just makes it even more special!!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 2
Published by Shueisha
No Jaden on the cover unfortunately, but this art of Chazz is
awesome!! I've never read the manga adaptation of GX, but I
found three volumes at a local bookstore and I knew I had to
snag them!!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 3
Published by Shueisha
Bastion gets the cover slot this time! The art style in the
manga is quite different from the anime, it looks really nice!

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Volume 5
Published by Shueisha
Featuring Alexis on the cover! This volume apparently came with
a card (YG05-EN001, an Ultra Rare copy of Darklord Desire), but obviously since I picked it up at a second-hand
store, the card had already been taken.

Duelist Pack: Jaden Yuki 2 (Unlimited Edition)
TCG Booster Pack released February 7, 2007
Older booster packs usually sell for much higher than their
retail price, starting at $10-$15 or even reaching absurd prices
like $100. I managed to snag this one on eBay for around $5. I'm
going to keep it sealed and display it!

Jaden & Winged Kuriboh 1/7 Scale Figure
Manufactured by Amakuni; re-release
God is real and he told Amakuni to re-release this figure
because he knows how much I love Jaden and how much I deserve to
own it!! After almost a year and a half he's finally home!!!
(has its own page here!)
Character Cards

[Korean OCG] Token (Jaden and Elemental HERO Neos - 20th Anniversary)
|| Ultra Rare
Token of Jaden and Neos! I've wanted a Jaden Token for a
long time and found this one on eBay for less than $2, so I
snapped it up! I don't mind that it's an OCG version ^w^

Here Goes Something!
SGX1-ENS01 || Common
One of the Skill Cards that came with the GX Speed Duel Box!

The Right Hero for the Job
SGX1-ENS09 || Common
The other Jaden Skill Card that came in the GX Speed Duel Box!
Jaden's Cards

Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare
LCGX-EN199 || Secret Rare
This card is so special hehe <3 I've wanted to get copies of
Yubel for months now, and I know I could order them online, but
I really wanted to find them out in the world. My local card
store had her in the singles binder when I stopped by on a whim
after work, and she was even the Secret Rare version!! <333
She's so awesome!
I want these things so bad it's UNREAL!!!!

Jaden Yuki Pyokotte Clip
Manufactured by Cospa
THIS THING IS SOOOO CUTE </3 I want to put him in my
pocket.....!!!!! I would love love love love to find this
somewhere eventually, I will have to keep my eye out for
somebody who is not price gouging it to be like, $100 when it
was $8 on release @_@