Welcome to Koinuko V5, the (you guessed it!) fifth version of my site so far! This theme is based around Wataru Hibiki from Ensemble Stars - or, more specifically, one of my favorite cards of his! I do intend to implement a style switcher element down the road as well~
As always, this site is meant for me to be able to express myself, and talk about whatever it is that I deem worthwhile at the moment! Therefore, the active pages might jump around a lot, and some might lay dormant for quite a while. Feel free to stick around for the ride!
⊵ update log (12/12/23)

12-12-23: added new article (meat day write-up)
11-27-23: added xmas doggy
11-11-23: all i did was update my index but i alive i prommy
10-17-23: added new blog post
10-11-23: forgot to add scary doggy for halloween
9-24-23: Jaden figure came home!!
8-27-23: minor changes
8-13-23: homepage housekeeping.
8-7-23: new layout!!
7-26-23: added gift art page
7-21-23: updated dark side
7-14-23: added commisions page!
5-26-25: updated zenya page
4-26-23: updated dark side
4-2-23: back to normal
4-1-23: april fool's joke
3-22-23: home from japan!
2-27-23: re-did travel page, updated webring
2-5-23: added zenya shrine to dark index
1-26-23: happy 2 year anniversary!
1-23-23: new lite index
1-15-23: new site button!
1-8-23: updated homepage
1-3-23: added new blog post
1-1-23: Happy New Year! :) added ensemble stars page
For You
☘ art booru
☘ cd collection
☘ funnie pictures
☘ invader zim ocs
☘ love live cards
☘ my memes
☘ recipes
☘ tetris stats
☘ thrift store finds
☘ wii homebrew
☘ writing
☘ gift art
☘ about me
☘ blog
☘ self-help links
☘ page graveyard
☘ 1st anniversary
☘ 2nd anniversary
☘ other links
Currently Watching: Regular Show
Currently Reading: Nothing OTL
Currently Playing: Flight Rising
Thinking About: Finished Golden Kamuy the other day and I feel insaneeee
Other Assorted Thoughts: I recently opened up commissions! Please feel free to check it out if you'd like!